Uncategorized – CHIPSPROMO.ORG https://chipspromo.org/ Fri, 20 Sep 2024 12:47:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 Billionaire Mentioned His Model Girlfriend Chose Him for His Beautiful Smile https://chipspromo.org/billionaire/ https://chipspromo.org/billionaire/#respond Fri, 20 Sep 2024 12:44:24 +0000 https://chipspromo.org/?p=72455 Once upon a time in a glitzy metropolis, a billionaire named Victor Van Glitz was the toast of the town. With his perfectly tailored suits and an extravagant collection of luxury cars, he was a walking advertisement for success. But what really set him apart was his radiant smile, which could light up a room—or at least a room full of banknotes.

Victor had just begun dating the stunning model, Bella Bountiful, who was the envy of every tabloid photographer. Their romance was the talk of the town, especially after a lavish gala where Victor, in a fit of narcissistic whimsy, declared to the world, “Bella chose me for my beautiful smile!”

The media went wild. Headlines blared, “Billionaire’s Smile Stuns Supermodel!” As clips of Victor grinning widely flooded the internet, people started speculating: Was it really his smile? Or was it his bank account filled with more zeroes than a phone number?

The following week, Bella was invited to a high-profile fashion show. Eager to support her, Victor decided to make a grand entrance. He donned a shiny suit that looked more like it belonged to a disco ball than a billionaire and practiced his smile in the mirror until his cheeks hurt.

As he stepped onto the red carpet, cameras flashed and the crowd gasped. Victor beamed with pride, convinced that Bella was going to be just as impressed with his dazzling grin as everyone else. But as he approached her backstage, he overheard her chatting with a friend.

“I mean, his smile is nice,” Bella said, “but it’s really the helicopter he flies me around in that sealed the deal!”

Victor’s smile froze mid-flash, transforming from radiant to a confused grimace. He shuffled closer, trying to eavesdrop without being obvious. “What about my personality?” he thought. “My wit? My ability to make an incredible soufflé?”

Just then, Victor’s best friend, Dave—who had a knack for being completely oblivious—strolled by, causing Victor to trip over his own shiny shoes. He landed with a spectacular thud right at Bella’s feet.

“Wow, what a dramatic entrance!” Bella exclaimed, her eyes wide as she helped him up.

Flustered but determined, Victor cleared his throat. “Bella! You know I was just telling the world that you chose me for my smile, right? It’s—uh—iconic!”

Bella giggled. “Oh, Victor, your smile is definitely iconic! But honestly, it’s hard to ignore the private jet rides. Have you tried flying a smile to Paris? It doesn’t work as well as a jet!”

Victor sighed, realizing he might have to rethink his approach. “Okay, how about we compromise? I’ll smile while we fly to Paris. That way, you get both!”

With laughter ringing in the air, they strolled hand in hand, Victor’s smile now feeling more genuine. From that day forward, he decided that while his smile might have caught Bella’s attention, it was their shared adventures that truly made their relationship soar—especially when those adventures involved snacks on a private jet.

And so, Victor learned that while his smile was indeed beautiful, it was his willingness to laugh at himself, combined with a dash of charm and a sprinkle of adventure, that truly kept Bella by his side. The tabloids soon changed their headlines to read, “Billionaire’s Smile Outshined by Heartfelt Laughter,” and Victor couldn’t have been prouder.

After all, nothing sparkled brighter than love—except maybe a diamond-encrusted helicopter!

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Sono un assistente di volo, ecco il trucco per ricevere il cibo migliore durante il viaggio in aereo https://chipspromo.org/assistente-di-volo/ https://chipspromo.org/assistente-di-volo/#respond Wed, 28 Aug 2024 14:26:02 +0000 https://chipspromo.org/?p=72450
Fonte: Leggo.it

C’è un segreto molto semplice che, una volta scoperto, potrebbe migliorare il viaggio e l’umore.

di Redazione Web

Prendere un aereo non è sempre un’esperienza emozionante. E non tanto per la paura di volare, quanto per il cibo che viene servito dagli assistenti di volo. Durante i lunghi viaggi, può capitare di consumare alcuni pasti mentre si guarda fuori dal finestrino. Tuttavia, la cucina delle compagnie aeree non soddisfa sempre il palato dei passeggeri. Un assistente di volo ha però rivelato un piccolo trucco per ricevere il cibo migliore durante il volo.

Il trucco

«Il segreto? – ha spiegato l’esperto al New York Post – è tutto nel posto in cui i viaggiatori si siedono». Quando si prenotano i biglietti di un volo, non è sempre possibile scegliere il posto in cui sedersi. Questo significa che molte persone non riescono a sedersi vicino al finestrino o ai propri amici durante il volo. Un inconveniente che crea problemi non solo per il comfort, ma anche per il cibo. Chi si trova nei posti centrali o nelle ultime file, infatti, non sempre riesce ad assaporare i pasti migliori.

«Il trucco è scegliere i posti nei corridoi, preferibilmente nelle prime file vicino al posto dove teniamo le riserve – ha spiegato l’assistente di volo Joyce Chan – chi si trova più vicino al corridoio, sicuramente avrà i piatti migliori, poiché sono i primi a essere serviti. Chi invece è vicino al finestrino o nelle ultime file rischia di prendere gli avanzi o addirittura di non mangiare, dato che le pietanze potrebbero finire prima di raggiungere la parte finale dell’aereo».

Pictograma Verificată de Comunitate

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Monkey Gives Head Massage to Officer While He Works https://chipspromo.org/officer/ https://chipspromo.org/officer/#respond Fri, 23 Aug 2024 13:11:43 +0000 https://chipspromo.org/?p=72442 Source: Latestly

The incident occurred at the Pilbhit police department in Uttar Pradesh, where Inspector Shrikant Dwivedi was diligently working while a monkey appeared to be searching for lice in his hair. This amusing sight has captivated social media users, and the video is rapidly going viral.

Police work is notoriously stressful, with constant case-solving and incoming leads making calm moments rare.

A head massage can be a welcome relief in such situations, and this video humorously depicts a monkey providing just that to Inspector Dwivedi. While the inspector remains absorbed in his tasks, the monkey seems content grooming him.

The video highlights a surprisingly serene interaction between the two, with the inspector showing no sign of disturbance.

The footage has sparked mixed reactions online. Some viewers find the harmonious scene endearing, while others are taken aback. It’s a stark contrast to other recent news involving monkeys, such as the recent troubling incidents in Agra where monkeys caused significant harm.

This video, however, depicts a rare moment of peaceful coexistence between humans and wildlife, showcasing an unusual but heartwarming relationship between the inspector and the monkey.

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You won’t believe what he went through to deliver this order https://chipspromo.org/you-wont-believe-what-he-went-through-to-deliver-this-order/ https://chipspromo.org/you-wont-believe-what-he-went-through-to-deliver-this-order/#respond Wed, 24 Jul 2024 07:22:03 +0000 https://chipspromo.org/?p=72438 An Indian food delivery driver frustrated by long queues for petrol has resorted to horsepower to make his deliveries.

A video clip shows the man trotting through the busy streets of Hyderabad in southern India on a bay horse with the distinctive red bag of the food delivery app Zomato (the Indian equivalent of Deliveroo) dangling behind his back.

There were long queues at petrol pumps in the city and traffic jams on Tuesday after a brief truckers’ strike caused a fuel shortage.

The truck drivers were protesting against a proposed law that would impose heavy fines and 10-year jail sentences in hit-and-run incidents. They called off the strike after the government said it would consult the drivers before going ahead.

As the Zomato rider waved to surprised onlookers, he explained his choice of transport. In one of the video clips posted of his journey to social media he says: “There was no petrol for my motorbike. I waited in the queue for three hours. I left after taking the order but couldn’t get the petrol.”

Food delivery agents can often be seen zipping through clogged cities in India, weaving through the traffic in their rush to deliver on time.

Amid intense competition, some food app companies have offered 10-minute deliveries. They have attracted criticism for endangering the drivers’ lives by putting them under pressure despite knowing the chaos and gridlock of Indian roads.

The companies say the delivery agents are not under pressure as they are not told about the 10-minute deadline. Zomato in particular has specified that its employees are neither rewarded for on-time deliveries nor punished for late deliveries.

Zomato says it also plans to put a phone number on the delivery bags so people can report someone speeding or driving recklessly.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/03/indian-food-delivery-driver-heads-out-horse-long-petrol-queues

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Samsung devices won’t get Android’s new Instant hotspot feature https://chipspromo.org/samsung-devices-wont-get-androids-new-instant-hotspot-feature/ https://chipspromo.org/samsung-devices-wont-get-androids-new-instant-hotspot-feature/#respond Fri, 31 May 2024 11:18:23 +0000 https://chipspromo.org/?p=72390

Android is getting a new ‘Instant hotspot’ feature that should make it more seamless to connect an Android tablet or Chromebook to your phone’s data connection. However, Samsung devices won’t get the feature.

Instant hotspot will roll out as part of the recent Android feature drop and will allow people to easily and quickly share their Android phone’s hotspot with tablets or Chromebooks. The feature will save people time by skipping steps like turning on the hotspot on your phone or entering a password on your Wi-Fi-only device.

However, Android Authority spotted fine print on an image of the feature saying it’s “not available on Samsung devices.” It’s not immediately clear why, but the publication speculates Samsung might have opted out of Instant hotspot since it already offers its own version of the feature, but exclusively for Samsung phones and tablets.

Samsung’s hotspot feature, coupled with the fact that Chromebooks already have an ‘Instant Tether’ feature for easily connecting to a phone’s hotspot, means not getting Instant hotspot won’t be a huge loss for Samsung users.

Still, it’s a bit odd that the feature isn’t coming to Samsung devices since it’s part of Google Play Services, which is available on all Android devices certified by Google.

Distributed also on: Android Authority

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7 New Features are Coming to Android, Your Devices: Google Messages, Home, More https://chipspromo.org/7-new-features-are-coming-to-android-your-devices-google-messages-home-more/ https://chipspromo.org/7-new-features-are-coming-to-android-your-devices-google-messages-home-more/#respond Fri, 31 May 2024 10:16:57 +0000 https://chipspromo.org/?p=72387

Pixel owners know about feature drops, because they are Google’s way of continuously adding value to devices. With each big quarterly update, Google tosses out new software ideas onto Pixel phones and tablets to keep things fun and fresh. For those who don’t follow closely, Google does this for the Android platform too. We get regular Android feature drops for Samsung, OnePlus and other Android devices, just like we’re about to talk about below.

In this latest Android Feature Drop, Google is adding improvements to Google Messages (editing!), Google Home, and Wear OS, while bringing new features like digital car keys, more Emoji Kitchen combos, and the ability to instant hotspot to Chromebooks.

GOOGLE MESSAGES EDITING: That’s right, you can now edit a message you’ve sent in Google Messages. Google is rolling this feature out and will give users a 15-minute window to edit group or one-on-one messages once they have been sent. To do so, you’ll long-press on a message and then tap the little pencil/edit button up top to adjust your words. This only works with RCS messages.

GOOGLE HOME FAVORITES WIDGET: The Google Home app is getting a fun new Favorites Widget that can be added to home screens. This widget lets you do everything from changing temperatures to viewing doorbells and adjusting lighting. The widget is also advanced enough that it can be resized to various shapes to show additional favorites if you have more than a couple.

To get access to this new Favorites widget, Google says that you need to be signed-up for the Public Preview of the Google Home app. You can sign-up here.

Google Home - Favorites Widget

INSTANT HOTSPOTS, CALL SWITCHING: Coming soon, you’ll be able to connect to an instant hotspot from your phone to your Android tablet or Chromebook. That’s cool and all, but Google is also going to let you seamlessly transfer Google Meet calls between phones and tablets by pressing the Cast button.

Google appears to be setting this feature up through a Devices & Sharing area in your phone’s settings that will have an option called “Cross-device services.” Within this area, you’ll be able to choose the devices you want to group together and can then decide if they should share call casting and internet sharing.

GOOGLE HOME ON WEAR OS: Beyond the new Favorites widget for your phone’s home screen, Google is also rolling out a Favorites Tile for Wear OS that allows you to easily adjust your smart home devices from the wrist. Like the widget, you can customize the shortcuts on this tile.

WEAR OS GETS PAYPAL: Speaking of wrists, Google Wallet on Wear OS can now make payments with PayPal in the US and Germany.

Wear OS - PayPal

EMOJI KITCHEN EXPANDS: Emoji Kitchen, which is Google’s silly emoji mash-up tool, has added new combos that involve the disco ball and headphones.

MORE DIGITAL CAR KEYS: Finally, Google is rolling out digital car key support to more vehicles, starting with select MINI models. They plan to further expand “soon” to select Mercedes and Polestar vehicles too. We’ll try to get a list of the cars for you.

Some decent stuff in there, right?

// Google

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What Makes Makita's Starlock Oscillating Tool Different From Its Other Options? https://chipspromo.org/what-makes-makitas-starlock-oscillating-tool-different-from-its-other-options/ https://chipspromo.org/what-makes-makitas-starlock-oscillating-tool-different-from-its-other-options/#respond Fri, 31 May 2024 10:14:55 +0000 https://chipspromo.org/?p=72384

Compared to the regular and 12V multi-tools offered by Makita, the Starlock multi-tool is designed to provide the utmost in quality and comfort features. The namesake of the Starlock is the StarlockMax accessory system, which allows users to swap multi-tool heads and blades on and off the device without the need for specialized removal tools. You can snap a fresh blade on with just one hand, though it is worth mentioning that the Starlock system requires specialized Starlock blade heads, which can’t be used with the regular or 12V models.

Additionally, while all three models have a degree of ergonomic design and vibration reduction, the Starlock is the only one with this special Makita tool technology behind it. The Starlock is equipped with Makita’s proprietary AVT (anti-vibration technology), which utilizes the same kind of counterbalancing system used for absorbing seismic shocks during earthquakes. The Starlock also features XPT (extreme protection technology), a series of special seals that protect it from water and dust, and STAR Protection Computer Controls for better, safer connections between the tool itself and its attached battery pack. To top it all off, the Starlock is actually lighter than the regular model for even more comfort.

Compared to the regular and 12V models, the Starlock is the top-shelf contender — the Rolls-Royce of oscillating multi-tools. This is a professional-grade tool designed to deliver the utmost in both user ease and consistent performance, hence the chunkier price tag.

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First Galaxy Z Fold 6 Image Reveals Refined, Squared Design https://chipspromo.org/first-galaxy-z-fold-6-image-reveals-refined-squared-design/ https://chipspromo.org/first-galaxy-z-fold-6-image-reveals-refined-squared-design/#respond Fri, 31 May 2024 10:12:55 +0000 https://chipspromo.org/?p=72382

Samsung is continuing its trend to move away from the overly round hardware design aesthetic. We saw it with the Galaxy S23 Ultra into the Galaxy S24 Ultra and now it appears that we’re going to see it on the Galaxy Z Fold 5 into the Galaxy Z Fold 6.

The image above is the first supposed real look we’ve had of the device. Before this, we have seen only 3rd-party renders. Thankfully, the Z Fold 6 photo is alongside a separate photo of the Z Fold 5, allowing us to see the major difference in design from the frontside.

We can see that the Z Fold 6 is much more squared off, especially at the hinge compared to last year’s model. The bezels, while still noticeable, are certainly a bit smaller. The overall size of the hinge has also seemed to go down considerably, making the device appear much more compact. In fact, I’d argue that the hinge becomes hardly noticeable with this improved design. For those who carry this device in a front pocket instead of a purse, satchel or crossbody bag, this is welcomed news.

We’re expecting this device to be detailed in full in Paris this July ahead of the Olympics, alongside the Z Flip 6, Galaxy Ring, and lineup of new Galaxy Watch 7 models. It’s going to be a most excellent 2H for Samsung fans.

Thoughts on this device and Samsung’s new squared design?

// @UniverseIce

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This 1908 Harley-Davidson Strap Tank Set A Million Dollar Record At Auction https://chipspromo.org/this-1908-harley-davidson-strap-tank-set-a-million-dollar-record-at-auction/ https://chipspromo.org/this-1908-harley-davidson-strap-tank-set-a-million-dollar-record-at-auction/#respond Fri, 31 May 2024 10:10:56 +0000 https://chipspromo.org/?p=72379

When this Strap Tank was brought before Mecum Auctions, just about everyone knew right away they had a proverbial unicorn on their hands. The bike still had its original tank, wheels, engine belt pulley, seat cover and muffler sleeve, plus an era-accurate gray finish with a red accent stripe. It was as though the vehicle had rolled right out of a time machine from the 1900s.

This wasn’t the first Strap Tank to go through Mecum Auctions, with another model from 1907 going to auction for a modest $297,000 in 2021. Compared to that Strap Tank, though, this newer Strap Tank was the most complete and correct instance the auctioneers had ever seen. As soon as the bike went on stage at the auction, bids for hundreds of thousands of dollars started flying left and right.

After only a couple of minutes of bidding, the gavel ultimately fell on a bid for $850,000. Factoring in auction fees, and the grand total for this piece of automotive history came out to $935,000, the largest price tag for a motorcycle ever seen at Mecum Auctions.

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Today's NYT Connections: Hints To Help Solve Today's Game, May 31, 2024 https://chipspromo.org/todays-nyt-connections-hints-to-help-solve-todays-game-may-31-2024/ https://chipspromo.org/todays-nyt-connections-hints-to-help-solve-todays-game-may-31-2024/#respond Fri, 31 May 2024 10:08:34 +0000 https://chipspromo.org/?p=72376

Each Connections puzzle features a 16-word grid from which you’re supposed to make four groups of words that share something in common. These categories are as random as they come, and could be anything from a synonym or music genre to “a word that sounds like it hurts.” New York Times insiders explain, “Typically, categories involve trivia or the meaning or structure of words.” They also often add “red herrings” — words that seem like they could be in more than one category, so that makes it trickier (and more fun, depending on who you ask). Yet each puzzle has only one solution.

Each group is color-coded according to its difficulty level. The yellow group is the easiest and most obvious connection, green and blue are medium, and purple is the trickiest of the bunch. Technically, you only need to figure out three groups — the fourth will naturally be left over after 12 words are eliminated. If you’re finding it difficult to make a connection, you can shuffle the board to make it easier to spot one.  

Click on four words and hit Submit to see if you’ve guessed a group correctly. If you’re right, those words will be removed from the board and displayed in a color-coded bar above, along with the key to the category. You might get a message telling you that you’re one word away from a connection if you’ve selected three correct words, but it’s up to you to figure out which one to swap. If you’re wrong, that counts as a mistake, and players lose the game if they make four of those. The hints below might help you prevent that from happening.

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